Hello and Welcome, I'm Pam

Firstly, I’d like to say thank for finding your way here.

Below, you will see some of my professional qualifications, but if I was you, I would like to know a little more about me as a person.

My passion is mental health and emotional wellbeing, with specialist interests and lived experience of anxiety, trauma, chronic health conditions and grief and loss.

My Journey

I originate from Nottingham in the UK, although spent most of my adult life in Yorkshire, and migrated to Australia in 2010. 

Moving across the world with my husband and two kids, away from family and friends and a life that we knew really well has been both an adventure and an emotional rollercoaster,with lots of lessons learnt along the way!

Whilst I will never forget my roots, I am proud to now be an Adopted Aussie!

I have worked within mental health in a variety of roles and settings for more years than I care to recall and I feel so privileged that throughout that time, people have shared their stories with me. 

I will never take for granted how special it is that people, young and not so young, have allowed me into their lives at their most vulnerable times.

A mental health practitioner with over 35 years experience, in both Australia and the UK.

I am a mental health nurse, registered with The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (APHRA) and credentialed with Australian College of Mental Health Nurses(ACMHN) a Counsellor registered with both the Australian Counselling Association(ACA) and Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia (PACFA) and a Meditation Teacher registered with Meditation Association of Australia.

My qualifications include Master of Counselling, Post Graduate Diploma of Higher Education Health Care Practice (Child and Adolescent Mental Health) SNHS.Dip(Advanced Stress Management),Diploma in Mindfulness, Relax Kids Coach, Drum Therapy Facilitator, Core Skills in Family Therapy Practice, and a variety of additional therapeutic certifications,including Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Emotional Freedom Techniques.

Whilst I have a lot of experience under my belt, I am by no means an expert – you are the expert in you! 

I do recognise though that life is not always easy, but often we have the answers to our challenges within ourselves, we just don’t know where or how to look.

It would be my pleasure to support you to discover your inner strengths, and find your rhythm to live a full and meaningful life.

I have been told I have a warm,engaging and nurturing approach and bring a sense of fun and creativity,making sessions meaningful for each individual.

I like to get to know YOU and work from an eclectic approach, basing our sessions around your needs and preferences.